Strengthening Inter and Intrapersonal Assets

I believe in the importance of having strong relationships in my life. Even though I currently live far away from my family I keep them close through regular Facetime calls. My family is my rock and they truly know how to encourage me. I also keep my friends close as well. My friends know how to care for my soul and help me to de-stress. I also find it important for strength in ministry to be part of a pastoral support group. Right now I am part of a MID community group and it has given me so much strength and support to be able to talk openly and honestly with these fellow MIDs about our shared experiences. I hope in the future to always be a part of a pastoral support group in my ministry. 

I believe that ministry cannot happen without proper self-care. A pastor cannot care for others well unless that pastor is caring for him/herself. What I have learned so far in my ministry journey is that in caring for others, it is often easier to be gentle with them than we are with ourselves. This year I have made it a priority to fully commit to caring for myself. I have been caring for myself by seeing a therapist to process my self-worth. I have already started caring for myself by making time to be social and see friends. For self-care, I enjoy watching movies that make me think, reading books that aren’t ministry-related and taking walks along the beach. For de-stressing, I also really enjoy listening to podcasts and dancing around my apartment to a Taylor Swift song. Self-care is important because without it a pastor will burn out. Taking a Sabbath was part of the Ten Commandments for a reason, God fully made us and knows that we need moments of rest to lift our spirits. 

I believe that exhibiting a strong moral character and personal integrity is very crucial for strengthening one’s inter and intrapersonal assets. I desire to be a person of honesty and compassion. I have been able to build on these intrapersonal attributes by having strong mentorship relationships in my life. My denominational mentor, Pastor Victoria has been able to help me grow in my pastoral skills and I have been able to process with her about my growing edges. My educator in my CPE program, Waleska has also been there for me to help strengthen my intrapersonal assets. Waleska was able to help me come out to my dad this past fall, and she has helped me to grow in my confidence and faith. My educator has allowed me to be fully honest with myself and my struggles. I am so grateful for both of these women.  

All people deserve to be treated with love and respect. I show respect and kindness to all I encounter and I always seek to help people feel heard and understood through my listening skills. Strengthening my intrapersonal relationships means being able to listen and communicate well. 

I believe that a pastor must be willing to make time to serve their congregation and at the same time be able to have boundaries set in place so they are not over-extending themselves. Boundaries are important because God desires pastors to be good stewards of their time. Pastors also can’t be the only ones in the church caring for people so the pastor must empower others and train others on how to care for and comfort one another. I also believe in asking for help if things can get overwhelming when offering care. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength to avoid becoming burnt out or resentful of the people you are caring for. I have the gifts of empathy, teaching, and listening. I desire to use these gifts and improve on them as I serve and lead. I am always open to feedback on my growth areas and know that life is about learning and improving.