Building Transformational Leadership Skills

I believe building transformational leadership skills is a lifelong task for a pastor. It is very important to be continuously learning new leadership skills to better serve a congregation. Attending leadership retreats and conferences are very important for a pastor to gain new insights and skills. I also enjoy reading books on leadership. Being a good listener is key to transformational leadership.  I believe that the best way to learn new leadership skills is simply to listen to the people you are leading. 

Transformational leadership starts by putting Christ first. This is because Christ is the one doing the actual transformation work. According to Henri Nouwen, “The Christian leader of the future is the one who truly knows the heart of God as it has become flesh, ‘a heart of flesh’, in Jesus.”2 A true transformational leader knows that pointing people to Jesus is the goal and mission behind everything. John the Baptist has always been my inspiration for Christ-Centered leadership. The author of the Gospel of John quotes John the Baptist boldly declaring, “Jesus must become great and I must become less” (John 3:30). Servant leadership is the goal. A true leader is humble, kind, understanding, a good listener, and a comforter for the flock. I believe that a transformational leader does not let their ego or pride be their motivation for serving. 

Transformational leadership is also about vision casting. A transformational leader inspires people and helps them to see all the possibilities that could exist. Vision casting means painting a picture for a congregation of what the future could hold and giving a road map of how to get there.  

Transformational leadership skills are built when one is an advocate for justice. Transformational leadership is about uniting people. The beauty of the UCC is that we are diverse in our theology, racial backgrounds, sexuality, and gender. A transformational leader sees the beauty of diversity and celebrates it and creates space for people to understand each other. Our nation is hurting deeply right now. We are a divided people. The task for a transformational leader in ministry today is helping people understand this divide and encourage people to listen to understand each other. A transformational leader should also be an advocate for those who face injustices in this country. A transformational leader doesn’t shy away from addressing the tough topics and isn’t afraid to call out racism, injustices, and microaggressions.   

My leadership style is democratic. I am a leader that encourages people and helps them to feel heard. I bring the skills of listening and empathy to the table. I desire to fully understand all the sides of an issue and the competing values that exist in the discussion. Building up transformational leadership skills means addressing conflict honestly and gracefully. Transformational leadership is about modeling communication. When one holds onto anger and resentment the community suffers. A transformational leader strives to promote peace in the community by loving people into wholeness.

 2. Nouwen, Henri J. M. In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership. New York: Crossroad, 1989.